Wendy Prevezer B.A.(Hons) L.T.C.L.
I have...
- Qualifications in piano teaching and speech & language therapy
- Many years of experience in community music with young children, and in a special school
- Specialist skills in using music to support children's communication
- A thirst for knowledge and the motivation to keep learning
- Buckets of enthusiasm and creativity for musical games and activities
- A passion for playing the piano myself and sharing the joy that this brings
I've always loved the piano. My piano teacher would only take children for lessons once they could read, and I grew up with a very traditional approach. I was taught well, practised hard and passed all my exams and piano teaching diploma.
However, when I began to use music with children I found I had a lot to learn, as I'd never been encouraged to experiment, improvise, make up tunes or play by ear. These skills can be nurtured from a young age, and lay a great foundation for a musically rewarding life.
I follow a full and varied programme of professional development as a piano teacher, and combine various approaches in the lessons. I am a member of EPTA (European Piano Teachers Asssociation) and The Curious Piano Teachers. I keep my teaching fresh and up to date by following several high quality teaching blogs online and taking part in international discussions about piano teaching, as well as attending courses.
In addition to piano teaching, I run preschool music groups in Beeston, Nottingham: Early Years Music Groups for 0-3s and the Speech, Sign and Song Club for pre-schoolers who need extra support with social/communication skills (please see links page). I also offer one-to-one Musical Interaction sessions for young children who would benefit from individual playful communication activities, facilitated by music.